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'kin jobs worths!

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tossers to a man! every one of them a idiot,trying to justify their huge wages and bonuses.

Last week i recieved a snotty letter from them informing me that the small6x3 trailer i had on the road outside my house for the last5 years was all of a sudden an obstruction and i was to move it post haste or face legal penalties,ie it took away and then i would be charged for it,so i moved it 20 yards.


heres my video response to the idiots:


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As long as your trailer is locked (cannot be towed) is in a road worthy condition and it is parked legally i.e parked where a car wouldn't be breaking the law then there is not a lot the police can do about it.

A road worthy condition is a bit of a grey area but I do know that it should have the number plate of the car that usually tows it (not obligatory if it is a removable one for multiple vehicles and it has two red reflective triangles on it (at the back...seperated by a specified distance blah blah blah...)


i reckon someone has complained coz they couldn't park their car....I get it all the time in my street. yet to be knicked when I explained the law to the police and they checked.

Sorry couldn't open your vid but work restricts some operations on this comp.


Hope it works out mate




Ths ning goes where he's towed!

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Lol what a load of shite you can hardly notice that trailer and it only being 6x3 shouldnt be a problem (in reality)

There's at least a doors width space with the car going down the road and thats all thats really needed if its one way. On top of that isnt a car generally wider than 3 feet???



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utter madness,i get shit all the time from the pricks here,a few years aback my nippers were sellin their pumpkins cheaper than the parish councillor down the road,it even made front page of the SUN online :




wipe some dog shit on there car door handles!! f.kin tools.
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utter madness,i get shit all the time from the pricks here,a few years aback my nippers were sellin their pumpkins cheaper than the parish councillor down the road,it even made front page of the SUN online :





Thats fecking shocking!! You always seem to get bother off the government, I think someones out to get you fish :ninja: lol



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utter madness,i get shit all the time from the pricks here,a few years aback my nippers were sellin their pumpkins cheaper than the parish councillor down the road,it even made front page of the SUN online :




Worst type of criminal in my book,pumpkin sellers without a licence...doesn't matter what there age 10 yrs HMP if i had my way.

Fish what kind of example are you teaching your kids,you need to get that work ethic knocked out of them sharp ;)

just my opinion mate :thumbs:


Aren't you glad you pay your taxes now :blink:

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bloody mad aint it!lol i had a snotty letter about my caravan being parked off road too,it was just there overnight ready for an early off in the morning! still if they keep crying wolf no one will listen in the end!

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